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The Lord's Prayer as a Prayer Template

This model prayer was given by the Lord Jesus as a outline for our prayer life. Use this as an outline for adoration, supplications, and petitions to God. The Lord's Prayer is an outline for complete prayer to God. It is a prayer that must be offered in faith to be effective. The Prayer of Faith is backed by evidences from Promises, Prophecies, Providences, and Promptings of the Holy Spirit.

The Prayer of Faith is backed by evidence of things unseen

1.The Prayer of Faith is backed by evidences from Promises from God's Word.
2. The Prayer of Faith is backed by evidences from Prophecies given by those with the office, gift, or manifestation of prophecy.
3. The Prayer of Faith is backed by evidences from Providences - situations which suggest that God is about to move in a certain way.
4. The Prayer of Faith is backed by evidences from Promptings of the Holy Spirit - How He leads you in your conscience. 5. The Prayer of Faith is backed by substance things hoped for - Pray with expectation
6. Every prayer offered in faith shall be answered.
7. Unanswered prayers can be due to either unbelief or lack of Divinely given evidences to justify the existence of Faith.


Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Key Points to Consider When Hallowing God's Name

1.By Calling God as Our Father we invoke Our identity in Christ.
2.By Calling God as Our Father we invoke the Covenant Relation.
3.By Addressing Him in Heaven we address Him on His Throne.
4.By Hallowing His name we are addressing the Divine Court in session.
5.We have come to discuss both matters of family and of law. Convinced that God will always act for His glory and our good.
6. The blood of Jesus purchased our access to the Throne.
7 His word contains promises we can use in the Divine Court.

Prayers Concerning Our Father who art in heaven with Scriptures

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Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Key Points to Consider When Praying for God's Kingdom to Manifest

1.God's will is done instantly in Heaven.
2.From Heaven God see the entire history of the world as a done deal.
3.He has already done that which we requested.
4.Prayer is the act of petitioning God to manifest what has already been established in Heaven.
5.Let us seek God to work in history to lead events to a place where Christ can return and set up the new Heavens and New Earth where His will is instantly and absolutely done, mentioning specific requests.

Prayers Concerning Thy kingdom come with Scriptures

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Give us this day our daily bread.

Key Points to Consider When Praying for Provision

1.God owns everything.
2.God is Jejovah-jireh (our provider) Gen 22:14.
3.Literal meaning of Jireh (ra’ah) is for God to make established realities visible by conducting measurements on the wave function.
4.The eyes of the Lord travels throughout the earth to show Himself strong by collapsing wave function (QM) for those who trust in Him (2 Chr 16:9). 5. Ask Him to provide financially and give us the power to get wealth so that His covenant may be confirmed and that we can not only meet our needs but finance the work of the Kingdom (Deut 8:18).

Prayers Concerning Give us this day our daily bread with Scriptures

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Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

Key Points to Consider

1.Forgiveness for all has been purchased through the blood of Jesus.
2.Jesus blood has already taken away all sins past, present, and future.
3.God credits faith in Christ Jesus as our righteousness.
4.When we sin we can simply confess our sins to God, thanking Him for this already purchased forgiveness.
5.Because Christ has forgiven us, we do not hold grudges or bitterness against others. forgive them as God forgave us.
6 As we confess particular sins, we can walk in entire sanctification.
7 Let us continuously repent, praying the prayer of faith in our complete cleansing.

Prayers Concerning Forgive us our debts with Scriptures

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Lead us not into temptation.

Key Points to Consider

1.The steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord.
2.The eyes of the Lord seek out those who are faithful towards Him to show Himself Strong.
3.God has given us his Word, that through these promises can can partake of Christ’s nature.
4.He has given us the Holy Spirit that we might know both the things of god and commune with God.
5.Ask God to direct our paths to avoid excessive worldly entanglements and habits that encourage the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, or pride of life.

Prayers Concerning Lead us not into temptation with Scriptures

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Deliver us from evil.

Key Points to Consider

1. Praying for a Hedge of Protection.
2. Praying for God to deploy angelic support.
3. Confessing the word of God.
4. Deploying counter-arguments against the enemy as a profession of faith.

Prayers Concerning Deliver us from evil with Scriptures

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For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.